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Community-Supported Agriculture

Discounts on Multiple Products | Senior Discounts Available | Certified Nature Health Practitioner

Discounts on Multiple Products Senior Discounts Available
Certified Nature Health Practitioner

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What Is CSA?

CSA stands for Community-Supported Agriculture. CSAs are very popular on the west coast, upper Midwest, the northeast, and now in parts of Texas. CSA programs have become a great alternative for obtaining high-quality food from a trusted local farm.

Being a member of our CSA means that each week, you get to pick up a box of delicious, freshly harvested herbs and vegetables that is representative of that week’s farm bounty. This is a win-win arrangement as this program provides the member with
  • Healthy produce for your body
  • An opportunity to participate in our farm and local, sustainable farming
  • Support for our local community and economy
  • Enhanced environmental benefits for the planet
Visit Natural Rewards today for more information.

Kenz Henz

Our flock is made up of many breeds of birds. We currently have Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Astrolorps, Red Sex Links, Black Sex Links, and Hy-line Browns. 

Our flock is primarily made up of the Hy-line Browns as they are a very productive hen that is docile and enjoys grazing in open pastures. These birds are given homes where they can sleep and rest at night in peace without the worries of predators such as skunks, opossums, raccoons, dogs, owls, etc. 

They are let out of their homes early in the mornings to graze in open pastures on fresh grasses, bugs, bask in the sun, and just be birds in general. Their homes are moved weekly to a new salad bar. 

Currently, we are on Healthy Way Dairy in Santa Fe where our girls follow the dairy cattle helping to clean up the pasture while at the same time fertilizing the pasture with Non-GMO poo making the grasses sustainable and healthier for both the Cattle and Chickens.

We have plans to move another couple of houses to the Dairy within the next 4 months. We hope to have available in the next 6 months another 400 acres close by that have unfertilized lands where we will graze the girls behind more cattle. 

We're excited to have the opportunity to serve you with the finest eggs available in the area. As always, “Our Girls Don’t Do Drugs!”

Get Quality Heathcare Products and Services

There are daily discounts on multiple products throughout the store.

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Everyone is always friendly and eager to answer questions.

- Julie Baker

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20% OFF

Senior citizens will get a 20% discount on the second Thursday of every month at Natural Rewards.

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